Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Watchtower and Awake in the cafeteria of my work place
by StephaneLaliberte insomeone at my workplace, i don't know who, is a jw and has been leaving magazines in the cafeteria.
any suggestion as to what i could do?
i thought of writing up a note stating: "to whoever is bringing these magazine: jw have broken up my family, please don't bring religion to work.
Anyone struggle to find meaning in life?
by Good JW injust wondering if this is a common thing for you guys and girls?
when i left the jws it was hard to make a connection with people, much of the time i felt that whatever they wanted to talk about just didn't seem relevant/deep/meaningful.
i find myself filtering my mind to get to a level with others (small talk mostly).
Pete Zahut
I realized a long time ago that this business about life needing to have "meaning" or "purpose" , was something that was planted in my mind during my JW upbringing and it was an idea that wasn't particularly conducive to happiness.
JW's believe that the only way for life to have meaning is to serve Jehovah (or them) and for life to have purpose, it has to go on for all eternity.
Religion plays into human Narcissism by telling us we are important enough to live forever. We are the center of the universe and that the earth and planets are here for our biding even though history has borne out that that the exact opposite is true .
Whether we were meant to live for 80 years or we were meant to go on living for eternity, it still doesn't answer the question as to WHY God (if he exists) felt the need to create life, what was his "purpose" in doing so? The animals and plant life have purpose but they only live for a limited time, so why shouldn't we? I think this business of wanting to live forever might well be put down to basic human Narcissism and greed as is the idea that our lives are so important in the scheme of things, that we must be diligent about how we use our time. The reality is, whether we waste time or use it wisely, either way, it passes by and is gone.
An Active JW Sister Modelling For Me
by pale.emperor insince leaving the borg i jumped both feet first into classes i've always wanted to do but was never "allowed" to.
two of which are life drawing and photography.
i've been studying for almost two years now and have seen more nude men and women in our classes than i care to remember.. today in the photography studio i was working in with three others (two women, one man) we were told we had a new person modelling for us.
Pete Zahut
If Tony M. has trouble with Yoga pants, I wonder what he'd say about nude modeling.
Sunday Watchtower Study a few weeks from now:
Study Conductor: Question #2. How have some individuals been able to continue Pioneering despite financial difficulties? Lets call on Sister Goosebumps.
Sister Goosebumps: Like many Pioneers, I've had difficulties making ends meet lately and Jehovah has provide a new way for me overcome this difficulty through nude modeling. You might say I channel my inner Eve as I pose and one time I unexpectedly even found myself whistling a Kingdom Song during one particular session. Someone asked me what it was and I told him. The next day before class, I was able to provide a fine Witness for Jehovah again when he and a few of the other artists standing around, asked me to whistle a few more songs as I got undressed.
Study Conductor: Where did you say these classes....Err...mmm I mean moving on to paragraph 4
An Active JW Sister Modelling For Me
by pale.emperor insince leaving the borg i jumped both feet first into classes i've always wanted to do but was never "allowed" to.
two of which are life drawing and photography.
i've been studying for almost two years now and have seen more nude men and women in our classes than i care to remember.. today in the photography studio i was working in with three others (two women, one man) we were told we had a new person modelling for us.
Pete Zahut
Perhaps she's a lover of Naked Unvarnished Truths, of all kinds.
I am getting disfellowshipped
by CitizenofEarth inmaybe some of you remember me, maybe not.
for general information i am now 19 years old, and living by myself.
for the past 1 year (more like 1.5 years) i have been quietly fading out of the hypocrisy of this organization, but since i still live in the town i grew up in it has been hard, and filled with different challenges.
Pete Zahut
Tomas Moro
Si adistes a ese comite, estás reconociendo poder de ellos sobre ti.
Y eres esclavo de ellos porque te presentas par.....
If you adhere to that committee, you are recognizing their power over you. And you are a slave to them because you present yourself to receive their supposed authority. If you care about your spirituality, they will help you. And anyway, they're going to expel you, whatever you do. Going is only to be humiliated. The best thing is not to introduce yourself and not explain anything else.
I am getting disfellowshipped
by CitizenofEarth inmaybe some of you remember me, maybe not.
for general information i am now 19 years old, and living by myself.
for the past 1 year (more like 1.5 years) i have been quietly fading out of the hypocrisy of this organization, but since i still live in the town i grew up in it has been hard, and filled with different challenges.
Pete Zahut
According to Governing Body member Geoffery Jackson in his testimony to the Royal Australian Commission, if a person leaves on his or her own accord and becomes inactive, they have disassociated themselves and the congregation doesn't pursue the matter unless they try to come back.
This video covers the official stance on that matter, starting at the 1:00 mark at the beginning of the video.
I wouldn't go to the hearing. Perhaps you can send the video to the elder who is talking to you and point out the part he needs to listen to and let him know that's why you won't be attending the meeting.
Later if they still pursue the matter with you, you could let them know that if there is any sort of announcement made about you or if they try to influence your family against associating with you, you'll be looking into what legal avenues are available for you to pursue.
My father also molested my DAUGHTER!
by alamb inneeding advise.
i was on here years ago fighting for custody of my daughters.
the court gave us a joint arrangement.
Pete Zahut
Is your daughter she getting some sort of counseling ?
Whatever happened to the "written review"?
by pale.emperor indoes anyone know why the written review was stopped?
i relished the half hour silence they'd give you to "write down your answers", time i spend doodling or thinking up cool song lyrics..
Pete Zahut
Back in the day my father was ministry school servant and I got to see the grades...and knew who was smart and who was stupid.
Yes.....early on, we had to turn in our review sheets to our book study conductor (I think) or to the School Servant maybe. There was a certain amount of pressure to do well because someone was going to be evaluating you based on your score. When I got older, I remember realizing that there was noting they could do if I didn't turn my form in or for that matter, didn't fill it out at all !
Russia is Smart
by Kohanic in
so according to the law department's meeting in feb 2016, russia has been studying the linguistics of the watchtower articles and discovered its brainwashing abilities!.
lol it's funny now that i'm on the russian side of this debate now, ban them all!.
Pete Zahut
It's a sad commentary that no one in an audience made up of high level Bible Students and self proclaimed Bible Authorities, knew that Jesus was the second most frequently found name written in the Bible.
I also found it strange that although the speaker admitted that the decrease in the number of JW's in Russia was due to JW's fleeing persecution, there was no mention of how doing so, demonstrated how disloyal to the "brotherhood" and how lacking in faith in Jehovah and his "Mountain" these ones were. Weren't we always told that we needed to be prepared to band together and even die for our brothers during persecution against the organization ? These Russian JW's turned tail and ran, leaving their fellow JW's in the lurch.
Wierd Shunning Stories
by inyesterday i went to a shopping center.
i saw a dub who was once a very friendly person.
he was about 10 metres from me when i noticed him.
Pete Zahut
Yesterday I went to a shopping center. I saw a dub who was once a very friendly person.
Perhaps your former friend, wasn't supposed to be there and didn't want to see anyone he knows.